These are the tools I regularly use in the kitchen that are specific to Thai cooking. This video answers your questions about what they are, how to use them, and how to care for them!
Published: · Modified: by Pailin Chongchitnant · This post may contain affiliate links
These are the tools I regularly use in the kitchen that are specific to Thai cooking. This video answers your questions about what they are, how to use them, and how to care for them!
TL says
The video is not playing for me. I am using Firefox on Windows 10.
Pailin Chongchitnant says
Do you have an adblocker running? If so that would disable the video. The video works for me.
TL says
Thanks. I do have an AdBlocker (namely, UBlock Origin) and/but disabling it did not help. But never mind.
Joanne H. says
Hello Pai! Where in Vancouver, BC would you recommend for us to look for a granite mortar and pestle set like the ones you use? Thank you!
Pailin Chongchitnant says
I believe Gourmet Warehouse always carries them!
Martin&Helga Lowson says
Hi Pailin, I cannot find what stick blender you use. Could you tell me please.
Adam The HTK Intern says
Do you mean this one? Cheers!
samo says
Hi! Where do you get the wooden wok spatula? I can never find a spatula with that kind of bend to it
Santa Claus says
I'm also in the market for that spatula. Come on Pai, don't be shy.
Pailin Chongchitnant says
I got it from a Chinese grocery store, so I would check out your local store.
Santa Claus says
Thanks Pai. I can't flipping find one anywhere though.
Christian Hawkonsen says
Hi Pai! I love watching your Videos! I’m addicted! I’m fairly new to cooking Asian cuisine, Thai in particular. My girlfriend is from Thailand and she is introducing me to all types of Thai, Lao, and Cambodian cuisine. I was wondering if you could possibly give me some information on how I could purchase a Wok like the one you use, from Typhoon. I’ve looked online searingly everywhere, but I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Just wondering if you knew of a link to a website that I somehow have missed, or if you are personally aware, whether the Wok is no longer available. I live in the United States, in the Chicago area. Thank you so much!
Pailin Chongchitnant says
Hi! Unfortunately that wok has been discontinued so it is no longer available! Try looking for Joyce Chen, it's a similar wok.