- Looking for a specific dish/recipe? Use the search function (little magnifying glass on the top)! Put in keywords, names of dishes or even an ingredient it contains. Keep in mind Thai dishes can have many different English spellings so if it doesn't come up, try googling some spelling variations.
- Have questions about Thai ingredients? See my Ultimate Guide to Essential Thai Ingredients which includes information about substitutions and much more. For deep-dives into specific ingredients, check out all my posts on Thai ingredients.
- Where to find Thai ingredients? Find a store near you at this map of Asian grocers around the world!
- Questions about Pailin's cookware and equipment? Check out this page where most of them are listed (they are affiliate links).
- Going to Thailand and want recommendations? Here's an article for the Best Places to Eat in Bangkok. Also check out some of this YouTube playlist with food travel videos here for some ideas. *Pailin does not have recommendations for any cities other than Bangkok as she is not from there.
- Website/technical issues: Is the website misbehaving? Let Adam know at: adam@hotthaikitchen.com with the details and he’ll get right on it!
- Press/media inquiry. If you have media opportunities for Pailin, please send your inquiry to htk@hotthaikitchen.com.
SCAM ALERT: If someone claiming to be us contacts you about winning a prize, that is a SCAM. Ignore and report them. We never reach out to the public with any offer.
Due to a large volume of messages, we are unable to answer individual questions, but if you have suggestions on topics you'd like us to cover in a future post, something to add to an existing recipe, or if you want to share a success story about your Thai cooking, we welcome them! You can send them to us at htk@hotthaikitchen.com.
Thank you very much!